Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Karesansui WiP a6a

- Redesigned spawn area to enable better player flow to other routes.

- Changed routes into mid to hopefully help players rotate

- Changed some height near point so movement onto cap area feels more gradual.

- Managed some sightlines.

- Added a few detail props.

The main issue of the previous version was player routing. Players coming from spawn tended to only use one route to mid, leaving pressure off of half the map and making defending a bit easier than it should be. The was happening due to the old spawn being angled in a way that encouraged players to use the route that was closest to them. The fix was pretty simple, I repositioned spawn so that all routes equally far from it.

The other changes to the map aren't as big, mostly just minor changes around mid to hopefully make it play a little less awkwardly.

View from new spawn

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Karesansui WiP a5

 Been working on this Koth map for TF2. Main issue with the layout so far is that mid plays very defensively for the enemy team. I think I might have gotten it into a state where it might not be so hard to attack, waiting to see how it playtests.

If mid plays well I'm going to focus more on some of the routes into it. The spawn area feels super underdeveloped right now, just flat with limited options for defending from forward holds.

I really like the overall layout though; I have a bunch of little hills and caves and I like how they interlock into mid. Kinda want to enable more scout movement too, I had a cool double jump to high ground route but I think I may have unintentionally removed it in this version.

Here are the current screens.