Sunday, November 13, 2022

Territorial Domination! - cp_chaoscanyon_a3

 Patch notes for A3:

- Added a second spawn exit for A spawn
- Changed geo on A point
- Added slight flank route to A and B connector
- Made B point spawn slightly further away from cap zone
- Shortened the map a bit
- Added unique color-coded theming to the bases
- Made it so demos and spam inside of B's windows
- Changed theme to alpine
- Added cover to some areas
- Changed skybox to a different hl2 skybox
- Added some of stiffy's tree props

Had this version playtested today and I think I've identified most of the major issues with the layout. Most of it seems to stem from B point being too holdable and connectors throughout the map being too long; it's currently too hard to rotate to other points as their being capped, leading to stalemate-y rounds.

For the next version I'm going to completely redo B point and shorten the connectors between all points.

Here are screens of the current version.

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