Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Candyforts B5 - More Progress

The new version of my map has some slight layout changed to hopefully make taking the flag from one base to the other a little bit harder. I closed off the side section leading down to the water and the interior section near the flag building, I found that people could way to easily and safely carry it through there.

I also made the routes leading up to the flag and through the water chokier, I'm hoping this will allow defense to be a bit better. Also, to compliment this change I made the return time on the flag way shorter, from 8 seconds to 3. When someone is killed with the flag it should more likely than not be returned now.

Art wise I made the frosting drip model and overlay and attached it to the fence walls. I'm still not sure if I should still use the model for the main building or not. They look okay in game but they're a little hard to use in some places I want them in.

Here are the current screens from this version.

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