Monday, March 18, 2019

Introducing Reroll

Reroll is a motivational app I've been working on and off on for a few weeks. Rather than be like other motivational apps in which you have to write down a bunch of goals and do other super active things; Reroll allows the user to simply click a button and have the app direct them as what to do.

Basically it's the neckbeard challenge from 4chan, but in app form.

I made Reroll in Gamemaker 1.4, the hardest part of this was definitely getting all the android studio version stuff situated. All the guides for working with setting up the android stuff for Gamemaker seem to be outdated, so most of my time working on it was spent googling compile errors.

Also, a huge problem with the app is the way I decided to display text. Rather than have text be vector based which would help with scaling on different devices, I decided to have all of them be PNGs, so they end up getting pixel-y on devices with smaller screens.

Check it out if your interested in it.